RYS 104: Be Strong on Your Own

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All fulfilling relationships whether they are friendships, family interactions, or with significant others, have one big thing in common – they are made up of people who have a clearly defined sense of their own identity. Each has a solid understanding of who they are, so they are comfortable communicating their needs and desires to others. This is why to have the best relationships possible with others you have to be a strong on your own as an individual.

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RYS-103: Master Your Mind That Has a Mind of Its Own

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For many years, my life was created by an arrogant, self-centered mind “committee” of which I was an absentee member. I did not realize the agenda was a steady stream of negativity and fear. From morning until night, the committee deliberated about what I did wrong today, yesterday, or a year ago. It made detailed lists of the unkind things people said or did to me. It focused on the negativity in the world and rationalized receiving what it wanted when it wanted it.

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RYS-102 : Face Your Fear to Grow Your Faith

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There was a time in life when I lived in fear. I was scared of dying, of getting cancer, of success, of failure. Today, I can honestly say I no longer live in fear. That’s not to say I do not become afraid at times. At 3:00 a.m. when an earthquake jolts me awake, yes, absolutely, my heart races and my palms sweat as my fight-or-flight response kicks in. But I have learned that living in fear based on the negativity I am exposed to, or the trepidations of my creative and anxious mind, is no way to live.

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RYS 098: Staying Kind Makes You Feel Good About You

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This morning I said hello to a woman as I passed her home. I was walking by with my little dog Ruby when she came out of her front door. Wanting to be friendly I said, “Hi.” Without any emotion she just glared at me like I’d said something rude to her. Actually her cold stare seemed to be focused on something past me. I believe it was.

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