RYS 113: Think Deeply About What You Think

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Our thoughts create our behavior. Our behavior creates our life. We create the loving and fulfilling life we want by teaching ourselves to remain connected to what we think and why we think it. We, the heart soul of who we are, become the gatekeeper of our thoughts by teaching ourselves to master a mind with a mind of its own.

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RYS 112: Things Cannot Buy Love

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Yes, we need things to live. But, as our consumeristic society grows ever more focused on the latest and greatest gadgets, it is important for us to keep in mind things do not bring lasting or genuine happiness. Things cannot buy love and because love is the reason for the season, this is the perfect time of year to remind our children and ourselves of what is truly important in life.

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RYS 111: How to Create Great Relationships

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Satisfaction and joy come from the relationships we form with other people and other living things. Not just the relationships we have with family and close friends, but all encounters we have in life are relationships. When we begin to move through life seeing each encounter as a relationship, it changes us in profound ways.

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RYS 110: The Power of Gratitude to Change Your Life

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I was downsized from an executive position right before 9-11-2001. Without any prospect of a job in the city where I’d lived for twenty years I had to move away. I was forced to sell the new home I’d moved into only two years before. I had to leave the beautiful English cottage garden I’d built stone by stone and plant by plant. I lost my relationship. It seemed overnight I was involuntarily removed from the familiar, from friends, from the life I knew.

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RYS 109: Teach Yourself and Your Children to Say No

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There is much in the news about bullying and disrespectful behavior in our schools, over the internet and throughout society. We have many organizations that are working to end bullying and yet we are continuing to see an increase in incidents. I believe the answer to end bullying and disrespectful behavior lies in our ability to set healthy boundaries in all of our relationships and to teach our children how to do so also.

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RYS 108: Let Love Be the Hat You Wear

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We wear many hats in life, roles and labels we put on ourselves and on one another. Wife, husband, mother, father, lawyer, doctor, gay, straight, black, white, rich, poor, etc. But these do not truly tell others who we really are.

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RYS 107: You Have a Body but You Are a Soul

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It’s easy to see yourself as only human when your body is all you’re focus on seeing. But there is so much more to you than meets the eye. Your body is home to a Divine energy that only stays invisible until you allow yourself to be moved by its presence..

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RYS 106: Love Yourself to Truly Love Others

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Our goal in any relationship is to be our best half—unless, we’re talking about the relationship we have with ourselves. With the relationship we have with ourselves we must be whole. We cannot be whole if we’re focusing on everyone else first. Unless we value our needs, desires, wants, bodies, time, energy, attention, values, beliefs we will end up losing ourselves in relationship.

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RYS 105: Change You to Change Your Relationships

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We do not have the power to change anyone but ourselves. The only power we have is to love others by setting a positive and powerful example of what self-love looks like. We can be a mirror for a healthy life filled with self-respect and control but other people have to look within themselves to see what about their behavior is preventing them from happiness, self-respect and self-control.

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RYS-102 : Face Your Fear to Grow Your Faith

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There was a time in life when I lived in fear. I was scared of dying, of getting cancer, of success, of failure. Today, I can honestly say I no longer live in fear. That’s not to say I do not become afraid at times. At 3:00 a.m. when an earthquake jolts me awake, yes, absolutely, my heart races and my palms sweat as my fight-or-flight response kicks in. But I have learned that living in fear based on the negativity I am exposed to, or the trepidations of my creative and anxious mind, is no way to live.

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