RYS 131: How I lost 63 Pounds and How I Keep it Off

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At one time I was obese. The short answer to how I lost the extra weight is, I worked my rear end off through exercise to burn the 220,500 calories necessary to get back down to 130 pounds. The long answer is that before I hit the gym, before I committed to a new habit of eating healthy, and before I could care for my physical body as a daily lifestyle, I had to confront my emotions and why I was stuffing them with food.

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RYS 126: Listening to Our Whistleblowers

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You and I are impressed with people who bravely stand up to injustice. We consider those who blow the whistle on corruption, irresponsibility, neglect, abuse and practices that harm us, the environment and animals, to be superheroes. But often listening to our own personal whistleblowers is a completely different story. Our prideful and defensive ego is not eager to have people call us on our negative behavior.

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RYS 125: Top Ten Best Gifts We Can Give Children

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While I don’t have children of my own, throughout life I have always been surrounded by children and young adults. Also, as a former wounded and dysfunctional child who’s spent much of my adult life in self-reflection to heal, I’ve learned how critical it is to a child’s success for them to be intentionally guided through the process of growing up. All children must be taught how to behave, what to value, how to express emotion in healthy ways, and how to respectfully treat themselves, other people and all life. And, I know children learn by watching the actions of those individuals they are exposed to.

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