Romancing Your Soul Blog
Welcome to the Romancing Your Soul Blog. Enjoy articles on a variety of topics from Regina and her guests!
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Mind Thinks, But Heart Feels
A man waiting to make a right turn into a small grocery store parking lot noticed that only two spaces remained. He saw a woman waiting to turn left into the same lot. Knowing it could be some time before oncoming cars would allow her to turn, when the light changed, he purposefully held back traffic and motioned that she should enter the lot ahead of him. She did. The woman was first to arrive at the two adjoining spaces. Instead
Accept What Is, to Create What You Want to Be
After two months at a job selling advertising for a small, family-owned newspaper, I was fired. There was no warning. There was no indication my performance was less than acceptable. In fact, I had received praise for increasing ad revenue. It did not make sense to be abruptly terminated. Regardless of how much I wanted to identify the reason, no one in the company returned my calls. I became angry and depressed. Without accepting the reality that sometimes things happen with
To Know When Enough is Enough
Lao Tzu said, “If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never truly be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” I spent many years looking to other people for fulfillment. I was not grateful to be a unique individual. I wanted to be like everyone else, to
Do you believe people starring in fast-food commercials actually eat fast food on a regular basis? Do you think your 50-year-old wrinkles will go away and you’ll look like the 18-year-old in the magazine face-cream commercial? Do you believe you’ll finally be happy when you get the big car, fancy house, cool wardrobe, and hot partner? While there is supposed to be truth in advertising guess what, advertisers lie. Sure they do with photo shop, by hiring skinny actors who NEVER
Positive Makes the Hard in Life Easier
Do you know any truly negative people? People who cannot say anything positive about anything. They are miserable and not at all fun to be around. Yes, sure misery loves company but seriously who likes to be around miserable people? I’m not talking about the occasional bad day that puts us in a bad mood. Or getting up on the wrong side of the bed once in a while. I’m talking about people who are completely and totally wallowing in their
The Reason I Pick Up Paperclips
I have an unusual habit – picking up paper clips I find on the sidewalk. My partner, Barbara, will confirm that no matter how twisted or tarnished or embedded in a sidewalk crack, I insist on picking up the clip. I take it home and put it with my ever-growing collection. I do so for a very good and heart-filling reason. Several years ago, I was deeply moved by the documentary Paper Clips about Whitwell Middle School’s extraordinary experiment in Holocaust
You CAN Do It!
I chose to smoke cigarettes when I was in my twenties. For the next twenty-two years, I was a slave to them. Some days I smoked two packs. It was like setting money on fire. Not to mention the constant coughing, bad breath, horrible-smelling clothing, recurring bronchitis, and inability to walk up a flight of stairs without having to rest. By the time I was in my early thirties, I was terrified of dying. Yet day after day, year after year,
When to Turn the Other Cheek and When Not to
I was the only person waiting in line one day at a coffee shop when a man entered the store. He completely ignored me and went up to the counter. At first I thought he had not seen me standing in line, so I said, “Sir, the line starts over here,” pointing behind me. He looked at me and said, “You can wait. I am in a hurry,” and placed his order. I know exactly what you’re thinking. My egocentric pride
There is no “other.”
My most beloved friend, Byll, is over six feet tall. His petite wife stands almost five feet. Those of us who know him are never surprised when he shows up for a visit wearing a kilt. He has been known to shave his legs for a bike race. Sometimes he adds black nail polish to complete an outfit. He is super smart. When he was a senior in high school, Harvard University wanted him. Instead, he chose to pursue his bachelor’s
The Benefits of Gratitude
This is my friend, Brijesh Kumar Yadav, and his dog Puaa. They live in Pooranpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. We have been friends for four years. Living where he does, in a small village in India, it is difficult to get things you and I may take for granted. Like vaccines and health care. Running water and dependable electricity. Transportation and veterinary care. And many people are still dying of Covid. Early in the pandemic Brijesh’s mother was one of Covid’s first
LOVE = Listening Openly Via Empathy
Two of my neighbors have a long history of fighting with one another. Although they never get violent or even threaten each other physically, it still becomes uncomfortable for everyone in our small building when they start going at each other. Last night it happened again with door slamming and screaming. This morning one of them showed up at my door to vent. So I sat and listened. In circumstances like this, when we are involuntarily pulled into someone’s difficulties, we
Homeless, Not Heartless
In the alcove of a storefront, close to the corner of Fairfax and Wilshire in Los Angeles, California, I sobbed in this homeless man’s arms. I did not know the man. Most likely I will not see him again. But I will not forget the moment our hearts touched in the intimate dance of raw truth: He lives on the street, and I, in a warm apartment. Our exchange began when I commented on his dog. He smiled very proudly and