Give Second Chances

Over a year ago I banned a man from the Romancing Your Soul Facebook page who was abusive to me and other people.  Recently he wrote an email through this website asking if I would consider unblocking him on FB so he could participate again. He expressed doubt I would because if he were me he probably would not. I gave him access, allowing him to be part of our group again. 

For me it is important to give people the benefit of the doubt and another chance. It took me many, many mistakes to learn before I got to the place of consistently living my best life so why would I expect anyone else to get it on the first or even second attempt. 

It makes us feel good to support other people on their journey to do their best life. So it is important for us to accept that people will have bad days but that does not make them bad people. 

Treating other people as we want to be treated is giving second chances. Then we watch for the behavior that is a clear sign someone has changed for the better. And, if someone goes back to how they were before, we set another boundary.