Violent is Not Our Nature

I do not believe human beings are by nature violent. I believe we are so much bigger than that. Yet we do not have to look far to realize that today we continue to live in a violent world.  But we do not have too. We are choosing too. And that means we must understand and accept responsibility for allowing ourselves to become desensitized to violence instead of growing ourselves out of this primitive mentality.

Through television, movies and video games we are programmed to believe fighting one another is how to solve problems and conflicts. We begin to buy the lie that it is possible to hit another person in the head with a baseball bat and have them remain unfazed, get up and continue fighting.  As someone that was accidentally hit full swing in the head with a bat, I promise no one simply gets up – ever.

What we put into our mind and heart is what we become. WE must be the one to protect ourselves because those who continue to serve up violence, stupidity, ridicule, cruelty and irresponsible behavior masquerading as entertainment are not the ones who have our best interest at heart. The society we are creating is a reflection of the types of unconsciousness we are allowing ourselves to be exposed to.

It is time to say enough already! You and I do have the power to put an end to the idea violence, disrespect, and control is the answer to creating a better world.  Not true. Protect your mind and heart and those of your loved ones. Turn the violence, ridicule, bullying, carelessness, irresponsible sexual behavior and constant negativity off. It’s not just a movie or television show or video game. Negative behavior changes our brain for the worse. Positive changes our brain for the better. It is time to accept responsibility for choosing positive.